Brix Society is an NFT Collection of 10,000 generative art NFTs.

Utility behind the NFT comes in the form of staking and an entry point into the Brix Society ecosystem and Club. 

Staking will earn $BRIX token in a fair and simple manner to be used in future Brix Society endeavors including, but not limited to, Brix Society’s NFTs and Merchandise Shop.

Our mission is to create a space where anyone is welcome, where they can learn the in’s and out’s of crypto gaming and NFT trading on the emerging blockchain technology. We’re a Community of like-minded gamers looking to invest and partake in new technologies and grow in the space together!

Mini Brix NFT’s are a collection of 10,000 NFT’s; all with randomized attributes based around the base Brix theme. They will be used to stake and generate $BRIX token on the WAX blockchain which can be used as a currency within the Brix Society Store and ecosystem.

Sample of an early test run. These are NOT in the official collection but are here to show an example of the variety found within the MiniBrix NFTs.

Brix Society participates as a broker in several staking endeavors where upon the members of the Brix Society Discord have the option to join pools for specific currencies and have Brix Society leadership cultivate those pools in a responsible manner in an attempt to bring profit to all those involved in the staking pools.

Currently Brix Society is involved in 3 staking pools in addition to having access to several Axie Infinity Scholarships that they are curating for another project. Current Project investments also include Taco, NFT Battle Miners and Wax Arena.

Phase 1

Launch Discord​

Distribute OG passes and Promo NFT

Reach 500 members

Phase 2

Create Community utility and opportunities​

Establish Partnerships

Release Whitepaper

Phase 3

Launch Website​

Build Staking site

Begin Marketing

Prepare Collection

Phase 4

Upload Collection to Nefty and prepare minting page

Launch $BRIX Token

Phase 5

Have Date set for first Sale

Launch 1st 24hr sale window

Launch Staking site

Phase 6

Reach 500 MiniBrix Staked

Release Roadmap 2.0

Future Goals

Reach more membership milestones​

Launch Marketplace

Continue growth and development